Support for your OpenFn project
Our core team of automation specialists offers paid implementation and support services, manages the open source software and community, and maintains a network of certified partners.
Contact us at to inquire about services, or visit Community and Docs for open source support and self-service guidance.

Enterprise support & implementation services
Expert help from OpenFn automation specialists
Our global team of automation and data integration specialists provides direct implementation, support, and training serives to organizations seeking expert help with OpenFn implementations.
Learn more about our team, and check out Pricing to browse popular services, including SaaS, deployment, support, & training packages.
Contact us to speak with our team directly, learn more about our offering, plan an upcoming project, or inquire about our Partners.

Help for open source & self-service users
OpenFn Community
Visit community.openfn.org to ask questions, track product updates, and learn from other OpenFn users.
OpenFn is supported by a rich, global community of implementers, software engineers, and ICT4D specialists. The core team also actively monitors the Community to answer questions, review feature requests, and update guidance in docs.openfn.org.
Follow OpenFn on Github or star the OpenFn/lightning repository to monitor our progress or contribute to the Digital Public Good.